Thursday, 7 April 2016

My New Blog

Over the last 2-3 years I have had the incredible privilege of meeting a lot of pastors and Christian leaders from right across the denominational (and non-denominational) spectrum. I have also interacted with a growing number of Christian marketplace leaders who are seeking to advance the Kingdom of God in their respective spheres around NZ.

As I've talked read and listened I've noticed a recurring theme which goes something like this:

1) Christian leaders want to make a Kingdom difference in their places of work, families, church and ministry, recreation and neighbourhoods.

2) Christian leaders want to connect meaningfully with not-yet Christian people on a one-to-one basis.

3) The world is a rapidly changing place and the issues of the day are coming upon us faster and with much greater complexity.

4) Most leaders do not have the time or inclination to obtain what I call a 'working knowledge of these issues, sufficient to feel confident to engage in meaningful discussion with spiritual seekers and enquirers.

So my conclusion about all this is:

5)  'Pat' answers no longer work. Besides, many of the contemporary issues are not black or white but various shades of grey.

6) It seems to me that if we as a Christian community want to connect with our kiwi culture then it is incumbent on all Christians that they are briefed and have a working knowledge, especially pastors, so that it informs their preaching, leading and counselling of God's people.

7) So, long story short. After much humming and hawing I've decided to start a blog. Oh yes, I have... as another offering to our WillowNZ network. My blog called 'Church and Society' will on occasion be a personal spiel about something I am ‘hot to trot’ about, but more often than not it will be some reflections and a resource on the pressing issues of the day.

God bless you